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Supplemental Bibliography
Alic, Margaret. “Women and Technology in Ancient Alexandria: Maria and Hypatia.” Women’s Studies International Quarterly 4.3(1981):305312. Andrews, Edmund. A History of Scientific English: The Story of Its Evolution Based on a Study of Biomedical Terminology. New York: Richard R. Smith, 1947. [The Athenian Society]. The Athenian Oracle: Being an Entire Collection of all the Valuable Questions and Answers in the Old Athenian Mercuries. Intermix’d with many Cases in Divinity, History, Philosophy, Mathematics, Love, Poetry never before Published. To which is Added, An Alphabetical Table for the speedy finding of any Question. By a Member of the Athenian Society. 3 vols. London: Printed for Andrew Bell, 1703/04. [The Athenian Society]. The Young Students Library. Containing, Extracts and Abridgements of the Most Valuable Books Printed in England, and in the Forreign Journals, from the Year Sixty Five, to this Time. To which is Added, A New Essay upon all sorts of Learning; wherein the use of the Sciences is Distinctly Treated on. Also, A Large Alphabettical Table, Comprehending The Contents Of this Volume. And of All The Athenian Mercuries and Supplements, &c. Printed in the Year 1691. London: Printed for John Dunton, 1692. Behn, Aphra. The Emporer of the Moon. In vol. 3 of The Works of Aphra Behn. Ed. Montague Summers. 6 vols. 2nd ed. 1915; rpt. New York: Benjamin Bloom, Inc., 1967. Berggren, Paula S. “‘Womanish’ Mankind: Four Jacobean Heroines.” International Journal of Women’s Studies 1.4(July/August 1978):349362. Bowles, Geoffrey. “John Harris and the Powers of Matter.” Ambix 22.1(March 1975):2138. Brink, J. R., ed. Female Scholars: A Tradition of Learned Women Before 1800. Montreal: Eden Press Women’s Publications, 1980. Centlivre, Susanna. The Basset-Table. In vol. 1 of The Plays of Susanna Centlivre. Ed. Richard C. Frushell. 3 vols. 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Sally McConnell-Ginet, Ruth Barker, and Nelly Furman. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980, 205218. Edwards, Samuel [pseud. for Noel Bertram Gerson]. The Divine Mistress. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1970. Eichler, Margrit. “Science Fiction As Desirable Feminist Scenarios.” Women’s Studies International Quarterly 4.1(1981):5164. Evelyn, Charles. The Lady’s Recreation: Or, The Third and Last Part Of the Art of Gardening Improv’d. Containing, I. The Flower-Garden; shewing the best Ways of Propagating all sorts of Flowers, Flower-Trees, and Shrubs; with exact Directions for their Preservation and Culture in all Particulars. II. The most commodious Methods of erecting Conservatories, Green-Houses and Orangeries; with the Culture and Management of Exoticks, Fine-Greens, Ever-Greens, &c. III. The Nature of Plantations in Avenues, Walks, Wildernesses, &c. with Directions for the Raising, Pruning, and Disposing of all lofty Vegetables. IV. 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