** home page of She-philosopher.com:
a Web-based research project for science, technology & cultural studies,
focused on “the long 17th century” (roughly 1575–1725) **
First Published: April 2004
Revised (substantive): 30 January 2025
M Y C O U N T E R - M E S S A G E T O L E A D E R S H I P ’ S “A M E S S A G E F R O M Y O U R U N I O N” (posted 2/10/2024):
On 9 February 2024, my union household received a personalized Voter’s Guide (for the 5 March 2024 Primary election) sponsored by the California Labor Federation. This “member communication intended for the thousands of teachers, nurses, firefighters, construction workers, and other essential union workers in the San Diego & Imperial Counties Labor Council” included an endorsement which so alarmed me that I knew I had to push back here.
Claiming “on behalf of the region’s 200,000 union members to research and advocate for candidates and ballot measures that will lead to more jobs, better jobs, and better lives for working families,” the local Labor Council announces “We’ve done the research and recommend” Brian Maienschein for San Diego City Attorney!
In my experience, Brian Maienschein was a fake representative, and is an incompetent lawyer, who corrupted a perfectly good state law dating to c.1872 while a member of the California state assembly’s judiciary committee. This corrupt law-making, opening up a loophole for predatory neighbors, completely destroyed my quality of life.
I petitioned Maienschein’s office — and through it, the state legislature — for a redress of grievances (as is our right under the First Amendment), only to have my petitions ignored. The whole unhappy saga is documented here: a page which I quit updating, in frustration, back in June 2022, when I decided my time was better spent agitating for needed reforms in other areas where I could make a real difference. Our political system being what it is, I knew the only way we would get rid of Brian Maienschein from the state legislature was when term limits kicked in. I accepted that, and moved on to other more pressing projects, some private (e.g., tackling health care predatory billing practices), and some public (e.g., challenging Second Amendment misreadings which promote gun violence). FWIW, I have not given up on petitioning the California state legislature over their corruption of fence law. I’ve just been overwhelmed with other work, and unwilling to interrupt this work to waste more time on Sacramento politics, when I have so little to show for it.
Unfortunately, career politicians like Brian Maienschein don’t just go away. They pop up wherever opportunity presents.
Like so many other U.S. voters this year, I am thoroughly fed up with all the spin (coming from both parties) about what’s at stake, and who can fix it. In the case of candidate Brian Maienschein, I have firsthand experience telling me that the Labor Council’s claims in their February 2024 Voter’s Guide — “In the California Assembly, Brian earned a reputation for bringing people together to get real results. As an experienced attorney, he’ll bring that same record of collaboration and focus on results to work for us as City Attorney.” — are a lie. The last thing my family needs is more of Maienschein’s “real results.” And if I don’t push back now against union and Democratic party election messaging, I fear that’s exactly what I’m going to get.
Please do NOT vote for Brian Maienschein for San Diego City Attorney. Surely, we can do better than this.
Click/tap here to view a facsimile of the front (224KB image) of the San Diego & Imperial Counties Labor Council’s February 2024 mailer; click/tap here to view a facsimile of the back (254KB image) of the Labor Council’s February 2024 mailer. Your union dues at work!
** UPDATE (posted 10/31/2024) ** With less than a week to go until the 5 November 2024 election, my household is being inundated with fliers for the Brian Maienschein campaign. One group of fliers is “Paid for by independent Voter PAC ... California Broadband & Video Association and Sempra Energy.” The other group of fliers is “paid for by San Diego Labor Coalition.” We have also received a phone message from our union local, the sole purpose of which was to push us to vote for Brian Maienschein. Such aggressive outreach on Maienschein’s behalf by local unions, under the aegis of the California Federation of Labor Unions, is infuriating! Once again, my political leaders are not listening, having decided that they know better than I do what’s best for my family.
I am disheartened to see that at least one of the several groups to which I have donated for many years has now endorsed Maienschein (their logo appearing on all these campaign fliers). This is the problem with single-issue politics! ... and with the endorsements of political action funds for various charitable and/or activist organizations I used to trust. Needless to say, I will no longer donate to any group that endorses Brian Maienschein for elected office, no matter how worthy their cause. It will be difficult for me to part ways with this particular nonprofit organization. On the upside, that means bigger donations for other nonprofits I have long supported which have not similarly made unwise political endorsements.
** UPDATE (posted 11/29/2024) ** We did it! According to the San Diego County Registrar of Voters’ unofficial election results (posted after the count was completed the evening of 11/27/2024), a majority of voters rejected, by a sizable margin, Brian Maienschein, who received 43.17% of the vote, losing the race for San Diego City Attorney to Heather Ferbert, who received 56.83% of the vote. It is heartening to see that, despite his powerhouse endorsements, a career politician with a history of fake representation was not again rewarded with elective office by San Diegans. This one result has renewed my faith in our political process, and I think it’s time that I turn my attention back to local/state kitchen-table issues, and see if we can get Sacramento to enact proper fence law reforms in 2025. So stay tuned, as I gear up to revisit this neglected issue that people actually care about!
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I have been working on the new and improved She-philosopher.com since 2012, when I created a beta test site for the transitional website at She-philosopher.org. Back then, I thought it was important that the original she-philosopher.com remain intact throughout the development process, and that I keep my remodeling mess out of the public eye, and off-limits to external, commercial search engines. As soon as the transitional website at She-philosopher.org was more presentable, I planned to move it over to its proper .com domain, replacing the original she-philosopher.com website which launched in 2004 and has been showing its age for some time.
I did not anticipate in 2012 that the remodeling process would take 4 years — and counting! — nor did I foresee that my standard for presentable scholarship (driven by traditional print-based publication models for academic content) would end up at odds with my creative process as a Web publisher of original, postdoctoral scholarly research.
Back then, I didn’t undertand how much the online medium would shape the message.
I know better now. The new capabilities of Web publication enhance the communication process more than the product, so seeking any sort of finality is a wrong-headed goal. Even scholarly content is fungible with this medium, and to try to fix it in discrete, closed communications is to defy the online order of things, and ensure that the new and improved She-philosopher.com never emerges from beta test.
I’ve thus had another change of heart. As of July 2016, I decided to launch the new and improved She-philosopher.com as is, allowing all and sundry — including external search engines — full access, so that everyone can follow the development process and preview new content as it’s posted and being tested.
For more information about what’s going on, start with this refashioned website’s “The Site Concept: What’s Past Is Prologue” and “A Note on Site Design” Web pages, and follow the links given there to some of the new content on offer. There’s already a lot here to explore.
Please remember while you do so that this transitional website is very much a work-in-progress. It is normal for links to be broken once in a while; for references to be missing; for our local search engine index to be updated only when I post important new content (instead of every time I correct a typo); for navigation between old & new website pages to be clumsy, especially as I reorganize some content; for pages to sometimes contain placeholder text (“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...”); and so on. I ask for your patience while I wend my way through this complicated redevelopment phase, with no end in sight.
^ The Unquiet Life (Vita inquieta). Emblem 322 in Pierce Tempest’s English edition of Cesare Ripa’s Iconology, entitled Iconologia: or, Moral Emblems, by Caesar Ripa (London, 1709).
Ripa’s portrayal of the hard-working Sisyphus (here symbolizing intellectual endeavors and the creative process), beset by personal demons, is glossed: “Sisyphus rolling a huge Stone to the Top of a Mountain, which still falls back again. ¶ The Mountain denotes the Life of Man; the Top of it, the Quietness and Tranquillity of what we aspire to; the Stone the great Pains every one takes to arrive at it. Sisyphus signifies the Mind, which always breaths after Rest, and scarce has obtain’d it, but desires still; for some place it in Riches, some in Honours, some in Learning; this in Health, that in Reputation; so that it is found only by accident.” (P. Tempest, Iconologia, 1709, 80)
As I have noted elsewhere, anyone in the 21st century who designs, develops and/or maintains a high-quality website featuring original content (such as She-philosopher.com) is engaged in never-ending Sisyphean toil.
Unlike the labors of Hercules — which also symbolized the humanist project of the public intellectual — the labors of Sisyphus came to be associated with conflicting messages: on the one hand, pointing to the virtues of persistence and fortitude, especially when condemning oneself to immense toil, regardless of reward; and on the other hand, giving to human acts & determination the appearance of aimlessness and futility. Christian moralizing in such 17th-century books of hieroglyphics as the wildly popular Emblemes (1635), by Francis Quarles (1592–1644), associated the metaphor “Thus I roll Sisyphean Stones” with worldly vanity, in keeping with religious teaching that “however highly we may esteem human arts and sciences in their proper place, it will ever be true that ‘the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God’” (Preface to 1839 edn. of Emblemes, ed. by the Rev. Augustus Toplady and the Rev. John Ryland).
Quarles’s religious refashioning of Sisyphean struggle occurs in Emblem 15 of Book 3, which takes as its opening text Psalm 31, verse 10 (“My life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing”). In a peculiar conceit, clearly inspired by evolving New World identities, Quarles compares Sisyphean labors (of the free will) unfavorably with slave labor (which he presents as the more satisfying spiritual experience!): “The branded Slave, that tugs the weary Oare, / Obtaines the Sabbath of a welcome Shore; / His ransom’d stripes are heal’d; His native soile / Sweetens the mem’ry of his forreigne toyle: / But ah! my sorrowes are not halfe so blest; / My labour finds no point; my paines, no rest: / I barter sighs for teares; and teares for Grones, / Still vainly rolling Sysiphæan stones.” (F. Quarles, Emblemes, 1635 edn., 182) Of note, the hieroglyphic for this emblem does not depict Sisyphus at work, but instead shows a melancholic Christian, loudly lamenting (“Ah mee”) his freedom and sinful existence (“formed of earth, conceived in sinne, borne to punishment”), as he seeks purpose & meaning in “the miserable ingresse of mans condition.” (F. Quarles, 183)
Such Christian repurposing of the deified abstractions and symbolic figures of antiquity appealed to ordinary folk on both sides of the Atlantic: “The Emblems of Alciatus [as developed by Cesare Ripa] have been in as much Reputation among the more learned, as those of Quarles among the Vulgar.” (Ephraim Chambers, Cyclopaedia, 2 vols., 1728, s.v. Emblem, 1.297)
Quarles’s book of Emblemes popularized for Protestant England and Anglo-America the Catholic baroque emblems of Pia Desideria (1624), by Herman Hugo, and Typus Mundi (1627), which was “compiled by nine clever schoolboys at the Antwerp Jesuit college under the direction of their master.” Quarles’s “occasional alterations to individual plates are of no major doctrinal or sectarian significance,” and the English engravings by William Marshall et al., while competently copied, “fall short of the artistry of the Antwerp originals.” But Quarles’s English “poems are largely independent and new. They exploit the mimetic quality of the pictures and transform them into allegories of spiritual truth,” making Quarles’s Emblemes “acceptable to moderate Catholics and protestants because [his book of visible poetry] promoted the general tenets of the Christian life, not controversial doctrines.” As such, Quarles’s Emblemes “proved a cultural achievement and a durable success. It brought to protestant England, suitably adapted, the spiritual and emotional qualities of the Catholic meditation on pictures. It survived as a work of edification when the emblem tradition itself had declined and it played an important role in the Victorian emblematic revival. It has been found especially rewarding in recent studies of the interaction of word and image. Nearly all of Quarles’s works stand in an interesting relationship to public affairs and serve to enrich the picture of Stuart England.” (Karl Josef Höltgen, ODNB entry for Francis Quarles, n. pag.)
Click/tap here to view a large digital fascimile (594KB file) of the hieroglyphic for Emblem 15 in Book 3 of Quarles’s Emblemes (1635).
As always, several research projects I’m trying to finish up have expanded well beyond their original scope, and are introducing further delays. To those of you waiting patiently for all the new content relating to claims by Julian Jaynes in The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1st edn., 1976)
3. Dating the development of consciousness to around the end of the second millennium B.C. in Greece and Mesopotamia. The transition occurred at different times in other parts of the world.
(from the Myths vs. Facts About Julian Jaynes’s Theory page at the Julian Jaynes Society website)
it’s still coming, I promise. I shall be adding 16 new digital editions to the She-philosopher.com library — writings by Ovid, Francis Bacon, and Robert Hooke, along with published articles by other 17th-century English and Italian naturalists — as part of this project. That’s a lot of primary source material to organize and prepare, so it’s going to take me longer than I initially planned to get everything done.
I have also decided to move a lot of my research relating to the history of medicine — such as a new illustrated introductory essay on the “Woman-Physician,” Mary Trye (fl. 1662–75) (created 4/14/2016) and the companion introductory essay on her antagonist, the polymath physician Henry Stubbe (1632–1676) (also created 4/14/2016) — to a different website. And this has introduced still more delays.
But ultimately, the main reason redevelopment takes so long is because the research activity itself — richly layered with countless detours and distractions — can not be hurried along. I was recently reminded of this when I added a brief note about 17th-century druggists to an essay at a different website. There, my desire for scholarly precision too often ends up delaying the publication of time-sensitive material, preventing me from taking full advantage of yet another kairic moment. At the time, I was in a hurry to identify which
Bartholin complains of the too great number of Apothecaries in Denmark; tho’ there were but three in Copenhagen, and four in all the Kingdom beside: What would he have said of London, where there are upwards of 1300?
(Ephraim Chambers, Cyclopaedia, 2 vols., 1728, s.v. Apothecary, 1.119)
As Wikipedia summarizes, “Three generations of the Bartholin family made significant contributions to anatomical science and medicine in the 17th and 18th centuries”: Thomas Bartholin (1616–1680); his father, Caspar Bartholin the Elder (1585–1629); his brother, Rasmus Bartholin (1625–1698); and his son, Caspar Bartholin the Younger (1655–1738). Between them, the four Bartholins published over 20 works, all in Baroque Latin, totaling thousands of pages. It could easily take me several months to locate copies of, and read through, all of this material before finding the original source for Chambers’ claim. Unable to devote so much time to this one research project, when I’m already juggling dozens of others, I chose to spend several days on it instead, before I traded in the pedant for the rhetor, and made an educated guess about which Bartholin — Caspar the Elder, or Thomas, or Rasmus, or Caspar the Younger — had commented on the number of Danish druggists at some point during the 17th century.
In the end, I settled on Thomas, based on my interpretation of the variety of Bartholin citations elsewhere in Chambers’ two-volume Cyclopaedia. But I could well be proven wrong in this hasty identification, which is a chance I would not take here at She-philosopher.com, where accuracy is paramount, and the historical detail rules. That doesn’t mean there are no mistakes at She-philosopher.com; alas, there are probably plenty, as with much historical research of this nature. But I never knowingly finesse the truth here, for purposes of kairos or expediency.
So, as you read through the content on display at the new She-philosopher.com, bear in mind that even a seemingly simple, tweet-length phrase — “... the eminent Danish physician and natural philosopher, Thomas Bartholin (1616–1680), had complained ...” — can take many months to fact-check properly.
The new She-philosopher.com is a concatenation of many such phrases ... which is how months turn into years, and I’m still working on the beta-release version of a transitional website....
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^ Title-page ornament from the 1753 Supplement to Ephraim Chambers’ Cyclopaedia, by George Lewis Scott, et al.
The design is an 18th-century twist on the Hermathena of Antiquity, a statue juxtaposing the sibling gods, Hermes and Athena. Traditional iconography has the statues of Mercury and Minerva raised on square pedestals and joined as one, the resulting hybrid deity serving as a symbol for the Ciceronian union of wisdom and eloquence (Wisdom restrains Eloquence, and Eloquence tempers Wisdom).
A Hermathena was chosen by Cicero (106–43 BCE) to ornament his lecture hall, and has been a traditional symbol of academies and scholarship ever since. For example, the Bolognese academic, Achille Bocchi (1488-1562), also used a Hermathena as the device (impresa) for his own school. His Hermes and Athena each had a columnlike base and upper torso on the corner of the façade for the Palazzo Bocchi; the two stone gods linked arms, and between them Eros reined the mouth of a lion’s head. (E. S. Watson, Achille Bocchi and the Emblem Book as Symbolic Form, 76)