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To learn more about the engraver of the 17th-century head-piece pictured to the left, see the IN BRIEF biography for Wenceslaus Hollar.

The STUDIES section of She-philosopher.​com was added in August 2012. Learn more about the 2012 launch of the new She-philosopher.​com here.

For more about forthcoming projects planned for this website, see the PREVIEWS section.


There is related material on women’s involvement with early-modern science, medicine & technology (e.g., the Countess of Kent, Hannah Wolley, and anonymous empirics such as the “good old Woman” who treated burn victims from Somerset’s coal mines during the 1670s) located elsewhere at She-philosopher.​com. The best way to find it is to use our customized search tool (search box at the top of the right-hand sidebar on this page), which is updated every time new content is added to the public areas of the website, thus ensuring the most comprehensive and reliable searches of She-philosopher.​com.
  I also recommend that you search our companion website at the subdomain Roses​.Communicating​By​Design​.com, which includes unique information on 17th-century women medics and medical technologists such as Sarah Jinner, Mary Trye, the Widow Pippin, Gulielma Maria Penn, and the now-anonymous “notable Female Doctress” who flourished in colonial Virginia during the 1680s.

First Published:  November 2016
Revised (substantive):  1 June 2021

Under Construction

S O R R Y,  but this page is still under construction.

17th-century head-piece showing six boys with farm tools, by Wenceslaus Hollar

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope that you will return to check on its progress another time.

In the meantime, for a preliminary discussion of “Lady Owen, Doctor Owens wife,” the 16th-century empiric who developed a popular treatment for breast cancer, see the sidebar for the webessay entitled “The New a Note on Site Design” (scroll down to the link for “In comparison, reading lots of close-set black letter these days feels effortless!”). This brief webessay on early-modern uses of black letter in printed texts — including Thomas Lupton’s best-selling A Thousand Notable Things of Sundry Sorts (1st edn., 1579), where Lady Owen’s prescription for treating breast cancer, typeset in black letter, was first publicized — opens in a small, floating 2nd window.

If you have specific questions relating to’s ongoing research projects, contact the website editor.