First Published: September 2012
Revised (substantive): 9 May 2021
Under Construction
S O R R Y, but this e-publication page — with an HTML transcript of the first anatomical description of the chameleon, by Claude Perrault and “the Ingenious Philosophers” of the Académie Royale des Sciences, published originally as Description Anatomique d’un Caméleon, d’un Castor, d’un Dromedaire, d’un Ours, et d’une Gazelle (Paris, 1669), then reissued as Memoires pour Servir a l’Histoire Naturelle des Animaux (Paris, 1671), and Englished by Alexander Pitfield as Memoir’s for a Natural History of Animals, with illustrations by Richard Waller (London, 1688) — is still under construction.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope that you will return to check on its progress another time.
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