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To learn more about the engraver of the 17th-century head-piece pictured to the left, see the IN BRIEF biography for Wenceslaus Hollar.

Abraham Cowley’s poem, “To the Royal Society” is also available as a She-philosopher.​com Library publication: see Lib. Cat. No. COWL1667. More digital editions of works by Cowley, including Book V of Cowley’s Plantarum Libri Sex [Six Books of Plants], Englished by Nahum Tate, are forthcoming. Check She-philosopher.​com’s Library Catalog for details.

For more on Cowley and his Plantarum Libri Sex [Six Books of Plants], see the webessay entitled FYI: Conversations about a Wiser Use of Our Health Care Dollars and Resources at the subdomain known as Roses.

For more on Aphra Behn, see the editor’s introduction to Thomas Tryon’s The Planter’s Speech to his Neighbours & Country-Men of Pennsylvania, East & West-Jersey ... (1684) at the subdomain known as Roses.

For a different feminist take on the legend of Daphne and the bay tree, cf. Lucy Hutchinson’s deployment of laurel symbolism in her portrait painting, as discussed in the Editor’s Introduction for the She-philosopher.​com Library publication: Lib. Cat. No. HUTCH1675.

For more about forthcoming projects planned for this website, see the PREVIEWS section.

First Published:  March 2013
Revised (substantive):  9 May 2021

Under Construction

S O R R Y,  but this e-publication page, with an HTML transcript of Aphra Behn’s English translation in 1689 of Book VI of Cowley’s Virgilian botanical study, Plantarum Libri Sex [Six Books of Plants], is still under construction.

17th-century head-piece showing six boys with farm tools, by Wenceslaus Hollar

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope that you will return to check on its progress another time.

Book VI of Cowley’s Plantarum Libri Sex integrated a political allegory enlarging “on the History of our late Troubles, the King’s Affliction and Return, and the beginning of the Dutch Wars” with its botany, and was much sought after by English readers. Behn’s translation added a feminist edge to Cowley’s politically charged verse.

If you have specific questions relating to’s ongoing research projects, contact the website editor.

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