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**  A second window aside called by the In Brief: Topic page, entitled
“On a First-Name Basis:
‘Margaret,’ and Other 17th-Century Name Brands”

First Published:  April 2013
Revised (substantive):  1 July 2021

W I T H   C O M P L E T E   T E X T   O F   A L L

H O V E R   N O T E S

F O R   C A L L I N G   P A G E

#1 (of 3)

The “Dutch. of Newcastles Orations of divers sorts-----1652” — This is a typographical error (the date of publication should read 1662). Margaret Cavendish’s Orations of Divers Sorts, Accommodated to Divers Places was printed in 1662, 1663, and 1668. ::

#2 (of 3)

The Library of Mr. Tho. Britton, Smallcoal-Man ... — The “curious collection of books in divinity, history, physick and chimistry” sent for auction to John Bullord in 1694 by the wealthy charcoal merchant, concert promoter, and book collector, Thomas Britton (1644–1714), included several works by women:
     • 3 titles reissued by Margaret Cavendish (“Dutchess of Newcastles The grounds of natural Philosophy-----1668” and “Dutchess of Newcastles Observations upon experimental Philosophy-----1668” and “Dutchess of Newcastles The Worlds Olio-----1671”);
     • Mary Trye’s “Medicatix [sic], or the Woman Physician-----1675”;
     • Anna Maria van Schurman’s “Treatise of the learned Maid Anna Maria a Schurman-----1659”;
     • Bathsua Makin’s “An Essay to revive the Education of Gentlewomen-----1673”;
     • and by the infamous “Popish Midwife,” Elizabeth Cellier, “Malice defeated, or relation of the Accusation and Deliverance of Eliz. Cellier, 1680. Notes upon the late Romance published by Eliz. Cellier Midwife 1680.”
  “Britton may have made the transition from tradesman to savant after making the acquaintance of a Clerkenwell neighbour, Theophilus Garencières, who found in him an apt, enthusiastic, and original pupil in the science of chemistry. He constructed ‘a moving Elaboratory’ which so impressed a friend of Garencières that he paid Britton a handsome fee to construct one for him on his Welsh estate. They also shared an interest in esoteric knowledge as Garencières was the translator of Nostradamus and Britton was an admirer of Rosacrucian ideas. However, it is likely that Britton was valued more widely for his knowledge of books in general and of the book trade. Thus the bibliophiles Robert Harley, earl of Oxford, the duke of Devonshire, and the earls of Pembroke, Winchilsea, and Sunderland encouraged his conversation on their book hunting expeditions in the City on winter Saturday afternoons. Similarly, Britton is said to have sold a collection to Lord Somers—which formed the basis for the Somers Tracts published in 1748–52—for a very large sum.” (ODNB entry for Britton by Douglas A. Reid, n. pag.) ::

#3 (of 3)

Lady Popham, aligned with the county’s republican magistracy — Letitia, Lady Popham (née Kerr) was the second wife of the politician and parliamentarian army officer, Alexander Popham, whom she married c.1644.
  In 1653, when William Jarvis sought Lady Popham’s patronage for his compilation of the countess of Kent’s A Choice Manual of Rare and Select Secrets in Physick and Chyrurgery — thus ensuring that his book would “find universall acceptance amongst persons of greatest Eminency” — her “endeared truely Honorable Husband” (who had also bestowed “many singular favours” upon Jarvis) still supported Cromwell, but was moving away from his earlier radical views.
  Popham “had been an opponent of the rule of the major-generals and after Cromwell’s death in September 1658 Popham increasingly distanced himself from the regime. Indeed he was strongly suspected of making contact with royalist agents during Booth’s rising of August 1659, his house at Hunstrete later being searched for arms. By this date he, like many moderate parliamentarians, was ready to accept the restoration of the monarchy.” In 1663, after the Restoration, Popham entertained Charles II “most lavishly at Littlecote and, as JP and deputy lieutenant of Wiltshire, helped avert a puritan rising in the county.” (John Wroughton, ODNB entry for Alexander Popham, n. pag.) ::